Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Containing recordings of selected pieces for Lists A, B and C from the new Saxophone syl.........
Bálint János(世界知名長笛家)與Gernot Schmalfuss(世界知名指揮家)誠心推薦
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The songs untouched by time
A father affects eternity
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2CDs only
Accent on Achievement, Book 1 by John O'Reilly and Mark Williams [/ arr. St.........
樸美香 長笛 (演奏CDx1)
作 者 (演奏者) : 樸美香
定 價 : 198 元/新台幣
網會價 : 188.-TWD 卡友價
: 178.-TWD
樸美香 長笛演奏家。1967年出生於延邊朝鮮族的一個音樂家庭,12歲開始學習長笛。80年代考入上海音樂學院管弦系,1989年畢業後進入中國廣播交響樂團。1991年赴日本大阪音樂.........
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