author: Maurice Gendron
editor: Walter Grimmer
translator: J. S. Rushworth
§ 已售完暫缺 §
Playing an instrument requires imagination, free association, individuality, .........
§ 絕版或停售!§
Composer / Author: Arditti, Irvine / Platz, Robert HP
Product format: Book, .........
Geigen- und Lautenmacher des Barock
Über drei Generationen hinweg, vo.........
The violist Barbara Maurer communicates her experience of many years as a lea.........
Topics assessing our own pedagogical work and collegial collaboration play an.........
Mikrotonalität ist eines der faszinierendsten Themen der Musik des 20. u.........
Today’s professional orchestral musicians are highly specialized and highly q.........
A must have for all string teachers! As a founding member of the American Str.........
§ 已售完暫缺 §
Ear Training and Violin Playing was written by two Austrian teachers who pion.........
Acclaimed jazz multi-instrumentalist Rob Thomas brings a fresh look at violin.........
Jazz is one of the biggest challenges a violinist can face, with the thought .........
Jazz is one of the biggest challenges a violinist can face, with the thought .........